After many months of planning, the Glennie Old Girls’ Association (GOGA) welcomed Old Girls from across the generations to the 2022 GOGA Reunion.

From those celebrating their 10th-year reunion to those joining us for their 60th, Old Girls from across the country joined us in the Glennie Room to celebrate their milestone. 

For some, it was their first time back through the Herries Street gates since their graduation, and for more than a few, today was simply returning home. But for all, the memories came flooding back as they reconnected with familiar faces and reminisced about yesteryear.

School Chaplain, The Rev’d Sharon Mitchell welcomed our guests with a service in the Glennie Chapel, where Old Girls accompanied by some of our current students celebrated our Anglican traditions. 

Keen to take a stroll down memory lane, our senior girls’ led a series of tours for our Old Girls across the school grounds. Our current Glennie girls heard stories of where students came together to watch the moon landing in 1969, where the best hiding spots were, how many bed sheets were needed to make a rope, and a couple of stories that will stay between those on the tour.

Finally, principal Ms Mary Anne Evans and Boarding Vice Captain Penny Lawson reminded our Old Girls of the values of compassion, integrity, respect and courage that continue to be nurtured and lived at their old school, as well as the importance of continuing and nurturing their traditions, and the immense mark that these generations of inspirational women have left on the girls of The Glennie School.

Welcome From Penny Lawson

My name is Penny Lawson, the Boarding Vice Captain for 2022, I am also a second-generation Glennie Girl. Both my Mum and Sister are Glennie old girls, and next year, so will I. I have heard stories from both of them about their times here at Glennie, but soon enough it will be my turn to tell all the stories I have collected over the past few years, like, ones passed down, lasting, no one knows quite how long, like the Ghost of Manning theatre – which I’m sure you have heard of. 

Living the traditions of the school, getting pushed in the aggies, becoming a true Glennie Girl, Dressing up for Ribbon day, and showing house spirit during the sports carnivals. Of course, there are Stories and traditions from boarding specifically, like dressing up for themed dinners: Around the World Dinner, Alphabet dinner, Pajama Bingo, and seeing Santa at Christmas Dinner. Meeting my family table, Dressing up for each event, and saying hello and goodbye to a table Mother each year, watching all of them start their lives outside of Glennie like I am about to.

Coming to the end of my time at boarding, makes me remember the beginning. Pulling up at Brown house on my first day, and all the nerves I felt and the rules I had to learn, like no laptops after school and handing phone in every night, it feels like a lifetime ago. Having speakers blaring through the boarding house, all through year 7 and 8, all the Pool competitions in the Rec room, games of Mafia lasting hours on end and movie nights in the common room. Once A friend tricked another pretty gullible friend into believing that there was a ghost in the year 6 common room (which I hear people still believe). Icecream nights in Dowson, getting dressed up for semi-formal, Mrs Ashes cooking in Simmons

Although there have been so many good times, I have had my share of challenges, having to overcome many unique challenges, such as 2020 and all that entailed; covid, lockdown, online learning, and would you believe – losing a finger. It has made me that much more resilient.

Glennie has given me so many opportunities, full middle, and senior school education, and the opportunity to be a leader in both the boarding and academic committees. To meet, grow with, and get to know a group of complete strangers who I didn’t know would ever be as important to me as they are. Including my grade but also all the people who have left and all those who are still coming. Coming to Glennie has allowed me to study a large range of subjects, go to Tafe and complete several certificates. As well as a School-based traineeship, which allowed me to be nominated for the Queensland School-based traineeship award, where I placed in the top 5 in the Darling Downs this year. I don’t know where I will be in 5 or 10 years’ time, but I know that Glennie has helped me prepare for whatever comes my way.

This is a community that spans over a century, and the world is a very small place. I remember a few times when I have told someone that I am a Glennie Girl, and they tell me they were a Glennie Old Girl, but they always seem to ask me which staff are still here and I can always tell them, Mrs Sinnomon is still here.

I remember a few times when I have told someone that I am a Glennie Girl, and they tell me they were a Glennie Old Girl, but they always seem to ask me which staff are still here and I can always tell them, Mrs Sinnomon is still here.


All of us here today have at least one thing in common – we share a Glennie education, and we share the Glennie values of compassion, integrity, respect, and courage. I hope that coming together today is an opportunity to reminisce, catch up with dear friends, and possibly make new ones. You all probably have so many stories from your time at Glennie, luckily there are so many people here to share them with. Our Glennie education has shaped us all in so many unique ways and has been integral in shaping us into the people we are today. Thank you all for coming and I hope you enjoy reminiscing and a little nostalgia. 

And although things have changed over the years – buildings, gardens, technology, pedagogy,  I hope the feeling of Glennie, the love, warmth and community I felt when I first stepped onto the grounds – and most likely when you stepped onto the grounds too – I hope that will always remain, because when all is said and done, that is all that matters.